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General Code of Conduct

All members, employees, volunteers, and contractors acting as a representative of or on behalf of FCC Youth, in the course of doing business with FCC Youth, or attending a FCC Youth event will adhere to the following:

  •  All children will be equally treated with respect regardless of sex, gender, race, religion, and culture 
  • At no time during a FCC game, practice or other FCC event will any employee, volunteer, or contractor be alone with a single child where they cannot be observed by others
  • Children will not be left unsupervised
  • Children will not be dropped off and left at any field before that child is under adult supervision
  • Coaches/team personnel will not leave any child unsupervised until the child is picked up
  • Any type of abuse (physical, emotional, sexual) will not be tolerated and may be cause for immediate dismissal or loss of membership
  • The use, possession, or being under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs immediately before and during FCC events involving FCC players is prohibited
  • Smoking or the use of tobacco is prohibited
  • The use of profanity in the presence of FCC Youth players is prohibited

FCC Coaching Code of Conduct

The role of the FCC coach is to:

  • Encourage good sportsmanship from players, other coaches, officials, and parents at every practice and game by demonstrating good sportsmanship
  • Place the emotional and physical well being of the players ahead of their personal desire to win
  • Create and inspire a passion and respect for the game
  • Remember that this is youth sports and the game is for the player, not the adults
  • Be sensitive to each player’s developmental needs
  • Educate the players to the technical, tactical, physical and psychological demands of the game for their level
  • Conduct practices in a spirit of enjoyment and learning
  • Strive to help each player reach his or her full potential
  • Be a positive role model
  • Instill knowledge and enjoyment of the game
  • Encourage players to strive for excellence through competition
  • Communicate with parents
  • Refrain from the use of drugs, alcohol and tobacco products at all FCC sponsored events, games and practices

FCC Parent Code of Conduct

The role that parents play in the life of a soccer player has a tremendous impact on their experience and continued enjoyment in the game. Parents are expected to:

  • Encourage good sportsmanship from players, other coaches, officials, and parents at every practice and game by demonstrating good sportsmanship
  • Place the emotional and physical well being of my child ahead of any personal desire to win
  • Respect any decisions and calls made by coaches and officials and refrain from coaching from the sidelines
  • Use positive language - refrain from derogatory remarks and foul language
  • Remember that this is youth sports and the game is for the player, not the adults
  • Refrain from the use of drugs, alcohol and tobacco products at all FCC sponsored events, games and practices
  • Leave the coaching to the coaches
  • Be your child’s biggest fan - Support your child unconditionally
  • Understand that there is a zero tolerance policy towards verbally abusing or touching a referee
  • Understand and display appropriate game behavior, be supportive and cheer
  • When possible, please sit on the opposite sideline across from your teams bench during games

FCC Player Code of Conduct

FCC Players are expected to:


  • Encourage good sportsmanship from fellow players, coaches, officials and parents at every game and practice by demonstrating good sportsmanship
  • Win or lose, enjoy the game
  • Play by the rules of the sport, demonstrating and encouraging good sportsmanship both in victory and in defeat
  • Work for the good of the team
  • Do their very best to listen and learn from my coaches
  • Never argue with or complain about a referee’s calls or decision
  • Be on time for practice and games and notify the coach if unable
  • Treat coaches, other players, officials and fans with respect
  • Refrain from using, providing or condoning the use of drugs, alcohol or tobacco products